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What We Do

Dazzle is a consulting firm that provides a wide range of services, including audit, tax, risk and financial advisory, technology transformation, corporate strategy, marketing and sales growth solutions, mergers and acquisitions, human capital change management, manufacturing operations including supply chain, financial management, and sustainability, climate, and equity solutions.


‐ Brand Concept & Analysis
‐ Color Choice
‐ Font Choice
‐ Logo Design
‐ Printing Suite 

Social Media Designs Suite

For Facebook & LinkedIn:
‐ Avatar Photo
‐ Cover Photo
‐ Photo Posts Design
‐ Ads Post Design
‐ Tabs Design

Video Motion

30 mins, 1 min, 2 mins


- 360 VR capture
- 360 VR tour
- 360 product photography
- 360 E-commerce
- 360 VR street view
- 360 VR QR code access

Video Capture

- 360 VR video
- 360 VR QR code access

We are trusted by over 18,000 clients →
More than 15 year experience →

Our Clients

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